Be a company your customers want you to be - my key takeaway from Zendesk Showcase

Last Thursday, on 15 August, I had a pleasure to be invited to the Zendesk Showcase in Melbourne. It was the best time to listen to so many customer stories and CX insights that could help us out at IT BOOST down the track towards the perfect customer satisfaction.

This quality event that took place at The Glasshouse, Olympic Park hosted a wide range of speakers including but not limited to Tom Keiser, Chief Operating Officer at Zendesk, Gus Balbontin, former CTO at Lonely Planet and others. View the full list of speakers here.

I have been to a lot of Zendesk events before and I am fully aware of their vibrant atmosphere with good diversity and inclusion, which makes it look and sound lovely. In a nutshell, Zendesk with over 3000 employees worldwide makes better experiences for customers or they help 'you' make better experiences for your customers.

'Zendesk was created to bring a sense of calm to the often chaotic world of customer service', as mentioned on its website. If you live in Melbourne and look for a great job, just go through Zendesk jobs here.

To me, that was interesting to know that Zendesk has been working on their own powerful and flexible CRM. Built on AWS, Zendesk Sunshine is an open and flexible CRM platform for connecting and understanding all customer data.

 There was also an acquisition news involved in the Showcase. Zendesk recently bought Smooch, a messaging platform that connects business software to all the world's messaging channels for a better customer experience.

How was it organised?
Beautiful mate, beautiful! I appreciate the effort the Zendesk team put into organising this event and in practicality they proved that they know what a good CX looks like. Thanks for the food, thanks for the coffee and also thanks for the souvenir :) At IT BOOST Australia, we would love to work with Zendesk one day.